Dani Moseley – latest news!

Impact Universal
Been MEGA busy, what with the job, drama school and now setting up my events company and getting funding and doing proposals and research for projects.
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Becky Tompkins, class of 2007

Becky Tompkins

Becky Tompkins

As I was coming to the end of my BA Media Production course I was excited and optimistic about what the future would hold for me. I just didn’t know it would take so long to get there!
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Dani Moseley looks back

Dani in Studio B

Dani in Studio B

It’s always great to see our graduates back on campus! Dani was one of the first graduates to send us her story, and she recently agreed to come up to Lincoln from London to do an interview with Peter Dewrance in TV Studio B. Never one to hold back, Dani told it as she sees it.

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David Clancy, class of 2007


I realise I’m very lucky to be working in a job I enjoy, and one that’s a direct continuation of my studies. It is also excellent experience to work within the heart of a well known brand and know my work is achieving high levels of exposure through a number of different outlets.

Here is a compilation of my recent work:

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Dani Moseley, class of 2007

dani_2_150wDani’s Story

‘Networking is the Key’ without a doubt. Though skill is a part of it, who you know and who likes you is an even bigger part. Getting your foot in the door can be difficult, so don’t leave work experience until after you finish university. Apply in the summer holidays.

Here I am in Epidode 7 of “The Bill”

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