Looking China 2016 | LSFM Student film making project

LookingChina2016-logoThe aim of Looking China 看中国 is to enhance cultural communication between China and the rest of the world through the art of film. Four Lincoln School of Film & Media student-producers took part in this year’s collaborative film making project between the University of Lincoln (UK) and a University in China. LSFM Lecturer Tom Martin was on the trip and said: “This year the students visited Guizhou University in the south west of China, each visiting a remote area to make a documentary with a small local crew. The students are keen to pass on their thanks for the opportunity to partake in the trip. 

The LSFM students performed very well, with a diverse range of good quality videos being produced. The documentaries are now on YouTube, with the films and links below.”

Year 2 Media Production student George Rees-Jones: The Village of Lusheng 笙簧正喧吸

Year 2 CLM/Photography Student Craig Clayton: Miao Silver 苗银

Year 3 Media Production student Josh Yerbury-Brown: Xiaohuang – Tower, Bridge, Song 鼓楼风雨桥上歌

Year 3 Media Production student Toby Sims: The Secret of the Mountains 山浴深山愈深

Looking China is organised by the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture at Beijing Normal University and the link was established with Lincoln as a result of Professor Brian Winston’s Visiting Fellowship.